Meeting Personal Needs

3 dimensions of needs

A powered wheelchair should ideally reflect its user's lifestyle choices and social circumstances, maximising their capacity for everyday independence, participation and meaningful occupation.

To achieve this, each prescription requires assessment of what components of powerchair technology are required to enable reasonable functional capacity and environmental access, support the user's wellbeing by minimising health and safety risks, and avoid the need for costly personal support.

Realise personal potential

  • functional independence

  • capacity building

  • social participation

  • psychological wellbeing

Enable functional mobility

  • environmental access

  • everyday living tasks

  • comfort & safety

  • ease of transfer

  • transportability

Maximise medical wellbeing

  • postural support

  • pressure care

  • health and injury risk mitigation

  • pain minimisation

  • avoid need for personal support

5 components of powered mobility

Magic Mobility powerchairs are constructed from modular components selected to ideally meet user's specific needs.

By viewing each component from all angles, therapists can build a technical specification and clinical rationale that clearly relates the value of superior technology to life-enhancing user outcomes.


Enable people to push personal boundaries by pursuing meaningful occupations and fulfilling life experiences


Support all aspects of everyday life by enabling necessary functional capacities for personal independence and freedom of choice


Address medical needs and mitigate risks of pain, harm or accidental injury to support positive physical and mental wellbeing

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